2522 Complementary Health Therapists

ANZSCO Unit Group Code: 
ANZSCO Unit Group Name: 
Complementary Health Therapists
ANZSCO Unit Group Description: 


COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH THERAPISTS treat patients with physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs by considering the whole person rather than focusing on specific symptoms and by using various therapies, techniques and practices.
Indicative Skill Level:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Registration or licensing may be required.
Tasks Include:

assessing patients to determine the nature of the disorder, illness, problem or need by questioning, examining and observing
developing and implementing treatment plans using applications such as acupuncture, homoeopathic and herbal medicine, and dance, drama, hypnotic and music therapies
evaluating and documenting patients' progress through treatment plans
providing dietary and lifestyle advice and guidelines
prescribing natural medicines, such as herbal, mineral and animal extracts, to stimulate the body's capacity for self-healing

Avg. weekly earnings - males (May 2012): 
Avg. weekly earnings - females (May 2012): 
Avg. weekly earnings - persons (May 2012): 
1 577.70