2326 Urban and Regional Planners

ANZSCO Unit Group Code: 
ANZSCO Unit Group Name: 
Urban and Regional Planners
ANZSCO Unit Group Description: 


URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS develop and implement plans and policies for the controlled use of urban and rural land, and advise on economic, environmental and social factors affecting land use.
Indicative Skill Level:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Tasks Include:

compiling and analysing data on economic, legal, political, cultural, demographic, sociological, physical and environmental factors affecting land use
conferring with government authorities, communities, Architects, social scientists, Legal Professionals, and planning, development and environmental specialists
devising and recommending use and development of land, and presenting narrative and graphic plans, programs and designs to groups and individuals
advising governments and organisations on urban and regional planning and resource planning
reviewing and evaluating environmental impact reports
staying up-to-date with changes in building and zoning codes, regulations and other legal issues
may serve as mediators in disputes over planning proposals and projects
may speak at public meetings and appear before government to explain planning proposals

Avg. weekly earnings - males (May 2012): 
1 642.50
Avg. weekly earnings - females (May 2012): 
1 464.30
Avg. weekly earnings - persons (May 2012): 
1 596.10