ANZSCO Complete Occupation List

The complete list of ANZSCO occupations show all occupations and their weekly earnings (where known and relating to ANZSCO occupation groups) in Australia as per ABS methodology. The statistics are based on the Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours conducted in respect of May 2012. Source:

The table below can be sorted (ASC/DESC) if you click on a header of the required column.

Enter an occupation name or code to search for:
ANZSCO ANZSCO Occupation Name Avg. weekly earnings - persons (May 2012) SL SAA MLTSSLsort descending STSOL 494 PMSOL
241511 Special Needs Teacher 1 120.70 1 AITSL Yes No Yes Yes
252112 Osteopath 1 709.00 1 AOAC Yes No Yes Yes
253211 Anaesthetist 5 886.90 1 Medical Board of Australia Yes No Yes Yes
253512 Cardiothoracic Surgeon 2 923.50 1 Medical Board of Australia Yes No Yes Yes
254111 Midwife 1 014.90 1 ANMAC Yes No Yes Yes
254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 1 233.60 1 ANMAC Yes No Yes Yes
272611 Community Arts Worker 1 214.30 1 VETASSESS Yes No Yes No
313214 Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist 1 521.20 2 Engineers Australia Yes No Yes No
324111 Panelbeater 1 071.20 3 TRA Yes No Yes No
334111 Plumber (General) 1 281.90 3 TRA Yes No Yes No
131114 Public Relations Manager 2 002.00 1 IML Yes No Yes No
133612 Procurement Manager 2 007.70 1 IML Yes No Yes No
224113 Statistician 1 758.50 1 VETASSESS Yes No Yes No
233513 Production or Plant Engineer 1 964.80 1 Engineers Australia Yes No Yes No
234311 Conservation Officer 1 494.10 1 VETASSESS Yes No Yes No
234611 Medical Laboratory Scientist 1 349.20 1 AIMS Yes No Yes Yes
241512 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 1 120.70 1 AITSL Yes No Yes Yes
251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 1 719.70 1 ASMIRT Yes No Yes Yes
253311 Specialist Physician (General Medicine) 2 874.40 1 Medical Board of Australia Yes No Yes Yes
253513 Neurosurgeon 2 923.50 1 Medical Board of Australia Yes No Yes Yes
254499 Registered Nurses nec 1 233.60 1 ANMAC Yes No Yes Yes
321111 Automotive Electrician 1 359.00 3 TRA Yes No Yes No
334112 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber 1 281.90 3 TRA Yes No Yes No
